Hello, everyone -
Please see the attached agenda for our meetings with EPAC and ESAC in April. This is still tentative, but I don't anticipate many changes. Events for both committees are in black, EPAC only events are in green and ESAC only events are in blue.
For those of you who are presenting, your presentation times and locations are noted on the agenda. Please take a look and let me know if you have questions. I know that some of you are presenting for the first time, so please don't hesitate to let me know if you need clarification. I know that Dorinda does plan to touch base with several of you, so expect to hear from her soon.
For those of you leading the EOT working groups, there will be some guiding questions to lead those discussions. If I can manage to find a time we can all meet I will bring everyone together to talk about this new process. If not, I'll send a much more detailed email later.
You might also want to review the agenda for any other presentations and discussions you might want to hear. All sessions not marked "committee only" are open to staff. We do ask that you contact the Project Leader if you want to sit in on an EPAC dialog. They often meet in their offices and space is limited. I will send the agenda out to all staff in a week or so when I know everything is confirmed.
I will be at an offsite meeting all day tomorrow without much email access, but will be back in the office on Thursday.
Janie Blome
Director of Field Services
American Printing House for the Blind
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix