This mailing list might be of interest to students who are blind or visually
impaired. See details and contact info below.
Sara Bennett
From: Announcements []
On Behalf Of Marcia Yale - AEBC
Sent: November-06-16 2:57 PM
Subject: AEBC: Creation of the AEBC Students Discussion List
Sent on behalf of Director, Leo Bissonnette:
Hello Members,
Given that AEBC now has the ability to set up additional Mailing lists, The
AEBC Board at the October 19 Meeting authorized the creation of a dedicated
list for students under the terms of reference, found in the description
The AEBC-students mailing list is sponsored by the Alliance for Equality of
Blind Canadians (AEBC).
The purpose of the AEBC-students mailing list is to bring together students
from across Canada and provide them with a common platform through AEBC to
voice their opinions, to share their knowledge and information with one
another, meet new people and make friends.
The list will be moderated by Leo Bissonnette, AEBC Board representative on
the Student and Education Council Committee.
If you are a student and would like to join the students discussion list,
please e-mail me at:
Leo A. Bissonnette, Ph.D.
This mailing list might be of interest to students who are blind or visually
impaired. See details and contact info below.
Sara Bennett
From: Announcements []
On Behalf Of Marcia Yale - AEBC
Sent: November-06-16 2:57 PM
Subject: AEBC: Creation of the AEBC Students Discussion List
Sent on behalf of Director, Leo Bissonnette:
Hello Members,
Given that AEBC now has the ability to set up additional Mailing lists, The
AEBC Board at the October 19 Meeting authorized the creation of a dedicated
list for students under the terms of reference, found in the description
The AEBC-students mailing list is sponsored by the Alliance for Equality of
Blind Canadians (AEBC).
The purpose of the AEBC-students mailing list is to bring together students
from across Canada and provide them with a common platform through AEBC to
voice their opinions, to share their knowledge and information with one
another, meet new people and make friends.
The list will be moderated by Leo Bissonnette, AEBC Board representative on
the Student and Education Council Committee.
If you are a student and would like to join the students discussion list,
please e-mail me at:
Leo A. Bissonnette, Ph.D.