
AER Legislative/Advocacy Workgroup

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Next Meeting Confirmation and Dial-in #s

Anthony Candela
Fri, Jun 9, 2017 4:21 PM


Our next meeting of the AER Legislative Committee is set for Wednesday, June
28 at 6:00 Eastern.

The Call-In number for this meeting is: 412-380-2000.

The Guest Code is: 6720269#.

The agenda includes:

-Welcome (including possible guest) and Roll Call

-Transition announcement of co-Chairs (Matt to Chris)

-Recent activities and some reactions.


-Role of the Committee (how much advocacy?)

Congratulations are in order to our Anisio Correia who may not be able to
attend our meeting as he has accepted a Senior Director position with
Visions Services for the Blind in New York and will be in transit on June
28.  (Yes, you can go home!)

Also, let's all send our good vibes to Lou who appears to be on the mend
after a rough time after an outpatient procedure.


Anthony R. Candela

Co-Chair, AER Legislaative Committee

Rehabilitation Administrator/Consultant

(510) 912-0969

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All, Our next meeting of the AER Legislative Committee is set for Wednesday, June 28 at 6:00 Eastern. The Call-In number for this meeting is: 412-380-2000. The Guest Code is: 6720269#. The agenda includes: -Welcome (including possible guest) and Roll Call -Transition announcement of co-Chairs (Matt to Chris) -Recent activities and some reactions. -Partnerships -Role of the Committee (how much advocacy?) Congratulations are in order to our Anisio Correia who may not be able to attend our meeting as he has accepted a Senior Director position with Visions Services for the Blind in New York and will be in transit on June 28. (Yes, you can go home!) Also, let's all send our good vibes to Lou who appears to be on the mend after a rough time after an outpatient procedure. Tony Anthony R. Candela Co-Chair, AER Legislaative Committee Rehabilitation Administrator/Consultant (510) 912-0969 ____________________________________________________________ Affordable Wireless Plans Set up is easy. Get online in minutes. Starting at only $14.95 per month! www.netzero.net?refcd=nzmem0216