
AER Legislative/Advocacy Workgroup

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Re: [Legiscom] legislative committee meeting

Mark Richert
Mon, Jun 6, 2016 8:47 PM

Thanks, and could someone also send along either
the position paper adopted by the AER board that
the Low Vision Division prepared or a link to it
if it lives somewhere online? THX

At 01:37 PM 6/6/2016, Matthew Hogel wrote:

Mark et. al- here is the resolution that we will
be discussing at our next meeting.  I know that
our committee already discussed it in length and
if my memory serves me well we came out AGAINST
using the low vision white paper to change the language in IDEA.

The resolution was tabled and not voted on so it
is going to be taken off the table at this years
conference.   I'd like for the Legislative
committee to review our original position on it
and if we feel the same way-  come up with
some concise language to describe the committees
position AND I'd really like someone to be able
to present that at the conference when this resolution comes up. Â

Mark I remember you being the lead voice of
opposition on this, if you want to go ahead and
organize some thoughts or points to discuss with
us at our next meeting- that would probably help
keep the meeting from getting longer than it needs to be.

Hope this info helps-

Meeting Wizard went out today- talk to you soon.


On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Mark Richert
<mailto:4justice@concentric.net4justice@concentric.net> wrote:
This make my high blood pressure shoot through
the roof. Could someone please send around
whatever draft reso she's got in mind. I
honestly cannot believe we're going to have to
waste time debating this issue yet again. there
is however a resolution that should be put
together concerning the exclusive use of the
National Reading Media Assessment and I'm trying
to work on that. I don't think that's a
legislative committee topic given that it's
really more about whether using the NRMA
exclusively is appropriate practice by TVIs.

At 04:30 PM 6/3/2016, Matthew Hogel wrote:
Hey gang- I need to call a quick meeting for us
to review Ann Corn's resolution for AER to use
the language in the low vision white paper
with future advocacy efforts with IDEA.Â

AER staff will be sending out a meeting wizard probably sometime Monday.

Please keep this topic to ourselves- it is for
the legislative committee only. Â

Also- if any of you have any resolution
proposals for AER to consider, this meeting
would be a good time to talk about that too.

Talk to you soon


Legiscom mailing list

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Thanks, and could someone also send along either the position paper adopted by the AER board that the Low Vision Division prepared or a link to it if it lives somewhere online? THX At 01:37 PM 6/6/2016, Matthew Hogel wrote: >Mark et. al- here is the resolution that we will >be discussing at our next meeting. I know that >our committee already discussed it in length and >if my memory serves me well we came out AGAINST >using the low vision white paper to change the language in IDEA. > >The resolution was tabled and not voted on so it >is going to be taken off the table at this years >conference.  I'd like for the Legislative >committee to review our original position on it >and if we feel the same way-  come up with >some concise language to describe the committees >position AND I'd really like someone to be able >to present that at the conference when this resolution comes up.  > >Mark I remember you being the lead voice of >opposition on this, if you want to go ahead and >organize some thoughts or points to discuss with >us at our next meeting- that would probably help >keep the meeting from getting longer than it needs to be. > >Hope this info helps- > >Meeting Wizard went out today- talk to you soon. > >Matt > >On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Mark Richert ><<mailto:4justice@concentric.net>4justice@concentric.net> wrote: >This make my high blood pressure shoot through >the roof. Could someone please send around >whatever draft reso she's got in mind. I >honestly cannot believe we're going to have to >waste time debating this issue yet again. there >is however a resolution that should be put >together concerning the exclusive use of the >National Reading Media Assessment and I'm trying >to work on that. I don't think that's a >legislative committee topic given that it's >really more about whether using the NRMA >exclusively is appropriate practice by TVIs. > > >At 04:30 PM 6/3/2016, Matthew Hogel wrote: >Hey gang- I need to call a quick meeting for us >to review Ann Corn's resolution for AER to use >the language in the low vision white paper >with future advocacy efforts with IDEA. > >AER staff will be sending out a meeting wizard probably sometime Monday. > >Please keep this topic to ourselves- it is for >the legislative committee only.  > >Also- if any of you have any resolution >proposals for AER to consider, this meeting >would be a good time to talk about that too. > >Talk to you soon > >Matt >_______________________________________________ >Legiscom mailing list ><mailto:Legiscom@lists.aerbvi.org>Legiscom@lists.aerbvi.org >http://lists.aerbvi.org/mailman/listinfo/legiscom_lists.aerbvi.org > > > >Content-Type: >application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; > name="AERResolution2014.docx" >Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="AERResolution2014.docx" >X-Attachment-Id: f_ip4aivw10