Preparing for Your Job Search
AER Student Council Webinar
There's still time to sign up for today's free webinar at 7 PM EST, brought
to you by the AER Student Council. If you are searching for a position as a
teacher of the visually impaired, orientation & mobility specialist, vision
rehabilitation therapist, low vision therapist, or other vision-related job,
then please join us for this short, concise webinar to jump start your
career search.
Session: Preparing for Your Job Search
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM (EST)
Speaker: Lisa McConachie, Director of Columbia Regional Programs, Portland,
OR. Ms. McConachie is an experienced administrator with expertise in hiring
professionals in the vision field. In this presentation, she will discuss...
. What needs to be on a resume/vita
. Types of places to apply
. As a newbie, what does an administrator want to hear?
Please join us for this 20-minute presentation followed by an opportunity
for questions and discussion.
Register online at
Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually
Mark Your Calendar: AER 2015 Vision Loss Conf (2)
AER Conference on Vision Loss in Older Adults & Veterans
Nov. 4-6, 2015 * Norfolk, VA
AER International Conference 2016
July 20-24, 2016 * Jacksonville, Florida USA
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