Honoring Those We Have Lost

Julie Hapeman
Fri, Jul 8, 2022 8:34 PM

Honoring Those We Have Lost

AER History and Memorial Committee will present the 2018–2020 and the
2020–2022 Memorial Lists in the opening session of AER’s international
conference in St. Louis. As in the past, AER’s History and Memorial
Committee depends on your assistance in identifying those in our
"professional family" who have died during this biennium.

We invite you—indeed, we encourage you—to submit names of our colleagues
who have passed away since January 2020. If you know of colleagues who died
during this timeframe, please submit their names using this link: AER
2020–2022 Memorial List Submission Form

The submission form will ask you for the following information:

  • Your email address;
  • Deceased colleague's name;
  • Phonetic pronunciation of colleague’s name
  • The colleague's state or province and country of residence;
  • A brief statement of her or his role in the education or rehabilitation
    of people who are blind or visually impaired;
  • An obituary or a link to an obituary or tribute, if available.

A list of names previously submitted for the 2020–2022 biennium can be
viewed here https://bit.ly/MemorialList7722.

We need your submissions *by July 15, *2022 (date extended), in order to
include them in the list to be presented at the AER conference in St.
Louis. If you have questions, contact us by email at

With your help, we will honor our colleagues who have left us. We truly
hope that the Memorial List we present at the 2022 conference will be a
short one.

2020–2022 AER History and Memorial Committee
Julie Hapeman, Co-Chair, Wisconsin
Mary Nelle McLennan, Co-Chair, Pennsylvania
Billy Brookshire, Texas
Rod Kossick, Minnesota
Lacey Long, North Dakota
Lauralyn Randles, Illinois

Honoring Those We Have Lost AER History and Memorial Committee will present the 2018–2020 and the 2020–2022 Memorial Lists in the opening session of AER’s international conference in St. Louis. As in the past, AER’s History and Memorial Committee depends on your assistance in identifying those in our "professional family" who have died during this biennium. We invite you—indeed, we encourage you—to submit names of our colleagues who have passed away since January 2020. If you know of colleagues who died during this timeframe, please submit their names using this link: AER 2020–2022 Memorial List Submission Form <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001h2fneCMThSuff24hAHTcSmO40VoRsrom1OBE2SPi7OzzT5VQinIyluGD9jzfo26xkxA1YQX4tJRZcwYn6zhFUlTlV0ROsmKdJAjYU9LYgyowzxjJ7XZRjkiXPGJv2idPFPivGCi-w0-zI3FuY4qR0s4fuvwOn9UX&c=vcw6dsLSbqphbtL5nedojI35VFCjVTxW20Wg1DLlMBg3jQ4pFym41Q==&ch=xGfGtiFMDxksa2Io3BYxOl3QoKjMgUHNTx_xp1XFvQfcPpETnNNLRA==> . The submission form will ask you for the following information: - Your email address; - Deceased colleague's name; - Phonetic pronunciation of colleague’s name - The colleague's state or province and country of residence; - A brief statement of her or his role in the education or rehabilitation of people who are blind or visually impaired; - An obituary or a link to an obituary or tribute, if available. A list of names previously submitted for the 2020–2022 biennium can be viewed here <https://bit.ly/MemorialList7722>. We need your submissions *by July 15, *2022 (date extended), in order to include them in the list to be presented at the AER conference in St. Louis. If you have questions, contact us by email at AERHistory.Memorial@gmail.com. With your help, we will honor our colleagues who have left us. We truly hope that the Memorial List we present at the 2022 conference will be a short one. 2020–2022 AER History and Memorial Committee Julie Hapeman, Co-Chair, Wisconsin Mary Nelle McLennan, Co-Chair, Pennsylvania Billy Brookshire, Texas Rod Kossick, Minnesota Lacey Long, North Dakota Lauralyn Randles, Illinois