Hi all,
I’m the current administrator for the LOVE Library. The site is only to be accessed by those in personnel prep. If you would like access to it, please email me for the password. (LBrady@hunter.cuny.edumailto:LBrady@hunter.cuny.edu )
URL: http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/
Instructors are to stream the videos for students, rather than give students direct access to the site. Some videos are no longer compatible with the site’s format, so not all of them play. Our technology department is working on bringing them up to date. Some of these videos are also available by emailing APH Press as part of the Foundations text.
L. Beth Brady, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Multiple Disabilities/ Deafblindness Program
Programs Leader, Blindness & Visual Impairment (TVI, O&M, VRT, Rehab O&M)
Department of Special Education
Hunter College
Office - 929 West
(212) 772-4229
Join our Hunter Programs Facebook group for more program info & to recruit alumni! https://www.facebook.com/groups/345780519320461/
From: Chris Bischke chris.bischke@utah.edu
Date: Monday, November 20, 2023 at 9:50 PM
To: "Rosenblum, L Penny - (rosenblu)" rosenblu@arizona.edu, "personnelprep@lists.aerbvi.org" personnelprep@lists.aerbvi.org
Subject: [Personnelprep] Re: LOVE Library created by Ellen Trief at Hunter
You don't often get email from chris.bischke@utah.edu. Learn why this is importanthttps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification
- This email originates from a sender outside of CUNY. Verify the sender before replying or clicking on links and attachments. *
The library is still active while I cannot remember the name of the new contact at Hunter. After the semester is over, I would be happy to look through my e-mails and find the name of the new contact – if you would like.
Video #34, Planting Gardenhttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=34
Science Science lab lesson - low vision
Video #36, Braille Statisticshttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=36
Literacy Teach a math lesson using tactile graphics
Video #48, Read Storyhttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=48
Literacy Visual skills to children with multiple disabilities
Video #71, Mapmaking & Cardinal Directionshttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=71
Expanded Core Curriculum Teach basic orientation and mobility skills
Video #94, Building on Patterns - Braillehttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=94
Braille Teach Braille reading at the beginning level
Video #97, Computer Navigationhttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=97
Expanded Core Curriculum Teach how to use JAWS
Video #124, Reading Strategieshttp://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=124
Literacy Teach Braille reading at the beginning level
Chris Bischke, Ph.D. TVI, DT/V
Director, Multi-University Consortium Teacher Preparation Program Sensory Impairments
Professor and Program Coordinator, Visual Impairments Program
The University of Utah
Department of Special Education
1721 Campus Center Drive, SAEC 2280, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801-585-3925tel:801-585-3925 office
801-589-2449tel:801-589-2449 cell
801-585-6476 fax
[LOGO Multi Consortium]
From: Rosenblum, L Penny - (rosenblu) rosenblu@arizona.edu
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2023 6:01 PM
To: personnelprep@lists.aerbvi.org
Subject: [Personnelprep] LOVE Library created by Ellen Trief at Hunter
Colleagues, about 10 years ago Ellen Trief had a grant to develop the LOVE Library (Library of Video Excerpts). These lessons were for use in personnel prep programs. I am looking for descriptions of some of the videos I downloaded at the time. If by chance you have descriptions of the students in these videos and anything that was posted about the lessons, can you share them with me please.
I tried reaching out to Ellen with no luck. The site does not appear to be available at this time.
L. Penny Rosenblum, Ph.D.
Owner, Vision for Independence, LLC
Consultant for Project INSPIREhttps://www.pathstoliteracy.org/resources/project-inspire-free-self-paced-courses-increase-stem-potential-individuals-who-read
Research Professor Emerita, University of Arizona
Email: rosenblu@arizona.edumailto:rosenblu@arizona.edu
Hi all,
I’m the current administrator for the LOVE Library. The site is only to be accessed by those in personnel prep. If you would like access to it, please email me for the password. (LBrady@hunter.cuny.edu<mailto:LBrady@hunter.cuny.edu> )
URL: http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/
Instructors are to stream the videos for students, rather than give students direct access to the site. Some videos are no longer compatible with the site’s format, so not all of them play. Our technology department is working on bringing them up to date. Some of these videos are also available by emailing APH Press as part of the Foundations text.
L. Beth Brady, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Multiple Disabilities/ Deafblindness Program
Programs Leader, Blindness & Visual Impairment (TVI, O&M, VRT, Rehab O&M)
Department of Special Education
Hunter College
Office - 929 West
(212) 772-4229
Join our Hunter Programs Facebook group for more program info & to recruit alumni! <https://www.facebook.com/groups/345780519320461/>
From: Chris Bischke <chris.bischke@utah.edu>
Date: Monday, November 20, 2023 at 9:50 PM
To: "Rosenblum, L Penny - (rosenblu)" <rosenblu@arizona.edu>, "personnelprep@lists.aerbvi.org" <personnelprep@lists.aerbvi.org>
Subject: [Personnelprep] Re: LOVE Library created by Ellen Trief at Hunter
You don't often get email from chris.bischke@utah.edu. Learn why this is important<https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification>
* This email originates from a sender outside of CUNY. Verify the sender before replying or clicking on links and attachments. *
The library is still active while I cannot remember the name of the new contact at Hunter. After the semester is over, I would be happy to look through my e-mails and find the name of the new contact – if you would like.
Video #34, Planting Garden<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=34>
Science Science lab lesson - low vision
Video #36, Braille Statistics<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=36>
Literacy Teach a math lesson using tactile graphics
Video #48, Read Story<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=48>
Literacy Visual skills to children with multiple disabilities
Video #71, Mapmaking & Cardinal Directions<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=71>
Expanded Core Curriculum Teach basic orientation and mobility skills
Video #94, Building on Patterns - Braille<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=94>
Braille Teach Braille reading at the beginning level
Video #97, Computer Navigation<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=97>
Expanded Core Curriculum Teach how to use JAWS
Video #124, Reading Strategies<http://soe-server2.hunter.cuny.edu/love2/tmdisplay.php?id=124>
Literacy Teach Braille reading at the beginning level
Chris Bischke, Ph.D. TVI, DT/V
Director, Multi-University Consortium Teacher Preparation Program Sensory Impairments
Professor and Program Coordinator, Visual Impairments Program
The University of Utah
Department of Special Education
1721 Campus Center Drive, SAEC 2280, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801-585-3925<tel:801-585-3925> office
801-589-2449<tel:801-589-2449> cell
801-585-6476 fax
[LOGO Multi Consortium]
From: Rosenblum, L Penny - (rosenblu) <rosenblu@arizona.edu>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2023 6:01 PM
To: personnelprep@lists.aerbvi.org
Subject: [Personnelprep] LOVE Library created by Ellen Trief at Hunter
Colleagues, about 10 years ago Ellen Trief had a grant to develop the LOVE Library (Library of Video Excerpts). These lessons were for use in personnel prep programs. I am looking for descriptions of some of the videos I downloaded at the time. If by chance you have descriptions of the students in these videos and anything that was posted about the lessons, can you share them with me please.
I tried reaching out to Ellen with no luck. The site does not appear to be available at this time.
L. Penny Rosenblum, Ph.D.
Owner, Vision for Independence, LLC
Consultant for Project INSPIRE<https://www.pathstoliteracy.org/resources/project-inspire-free-self-paced-courses-increase-stem-potential-individuals-who-read>
Research Professor Emerita, University of Arizona
Email: rosenblu@arizona.edu<mailto:rosenblu@arizona.edu>