Forwarding for a colleague. Please contact Rosanne Hoffman if you have questions.
Attention Science Teachers and TVIs!
If you are interested in APH's development of a talking scientific balance for students with visual impairments accurate to the hundredth gram (0.01 g), please respond to this announcement with the following information:
Please send all responses to Rosanne Hoffmann, STEM Project Leader, or 502-899-2292.
Thank you!
Rosanne Hoffmann, PhD
STEM Project Leader
American Printing House for the Blind
Forwarding for a colleague. Please contact Rosanne Hoffman if you have questions.
Attention Science Teachers and TVIs!
If you are interested in APH's development of a talking scientific balance for students with visual impairments accurate to the hundredth gram (0.01 g), please respond to this announcement with the following information:
* State the maximum mass that you expect your students to measure; and
* Types of activities and experiments with which such an accurate balance would be used.
Please send all responses to Rosanne Hoffmann, STEM Project Leader,<> or 502-899-2292.
Thank you!
Rosanne Hoffmann, PhD
STEM Project Leader
American Printing House for the Blind