Happy Wednesday (Hump Day)!
Alexis Redford and I are in the process of conducting research on functional vision assessments that are used by teachers of students with visual impairments across the state of Utah and across the nation. As we complete our research, we are looking to explore assessments/templates that are being used, review current research and identify key areas that should be assessed within an FVA. Our end goal is to provide the field with research/evidence-based practices to ensure fidelity as we all work to carefully assess students functional vision.
Our ask of you is this - would you send us a copy of the assessment/template that you use when instructing future TVIs in the assessment of a student's functional vision? If your assessment/template includes all or portions of a Learning Media Assessment (LMA), please feel free to send that as well. A copy of your full FV/LMA would be beneficial as we review FVAs while please note that our focus is not on the LMA at this time. Please send us a copy (e.g., a word document, .pdf, or picture, etc.) of your assessment/template by Monday, October 9th so that we can begin the process of exploring the assessments/templates being used.
Once our research is complete we would love to share what we have learned with everyone and look to collaborate with interested individuals on next steps.
Please reach out with any questions.
Chris and Alexis
Chris Bischke, Ph.D. TVI, DT/V
Director, Multi-University Consortium Teacher Preparation Program Sensory Impairments
Professor and Program Coordinator, Visual Impairments Program
The University of Utah
Department of Special Education
1721 Campus Center Drive, SAEC 2280, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801-585-3925tel:801-585-3925 office
801-589-2449tel:801-589-2449 cell
801-585-6476 fax
[LOGO Multi Consortium]