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promethean board with an IPAD

Verlinde, Mary M.
Tue, Oct 18, 2016 5:17 PM

Just wanting to pick brains about how to hook up an IPAD with a promethean board so the student can see what is being shown on the board. I have several student who us the JoinMe app with a smartboard but in class but a promethean board is different.  I found an app called ActivCast Sender by Promethean.  Anybody familiar?

Mary Verlinde, M.S.Ed.
NDVS/SB Vision Outreach Teacher
418 E. Broadway Ave, #228
Bismarck, ND 58501

Just wanting to pick brains about how to hook up an IPAD with a promethean board so the student can see what is being shown on the board. I have several student who us the JoinMe app with a smartboard but in class but a promethean board is different. I found an app called ActivCast Sender by Promethean. Anybody familiar? Thanks Mary Verlinde, M.S.Ed. NDVS/SB Vision Outreach Teacher 418 E. Broadway Ave, #228 Bismarck, ND 58501 701-328-3986