McCarthy, Tessa
Thu, Mar 16, 2023 1:53 PM
From: Penn-Del AER Conference Planning Committee via Lynn Fox <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 6:18 AM
Subject: Inviting Pre-Submitted Questions for “Ask the Doc” Session with Dr. Marla Moon
Pre-Submit Your Questions or Areas of Interest
"Ask the Doc" Session with Marla Moon
[2023 Conference Brochure Penn-Del AER Conference Our Professional Landscape: Cultivating Our Vision for the Future April 19 – 21, 2023 Best Western Premier Central Hotel Harrisburg, PA; logo - Colorful conference logo depicting a tree or stylized human figure symbolizing cultivating our vision. The green trunk has upstretched arms supporting two more layers of colorful figures representing leaves and branches looking like the tree canopy.]
Optometrist Dr. Marla Moon who has a powerful grasp on vision issues in our field will present the ever popular “Ask the Doc” session. Come join Dr. Marla Moon's Mid-Note General Session on Thursday April 20 at 10:00 am.
Dr. Moon will address pre-submitted questions regarding vision conditions and treatments with a focus on educating students and serving adults with visual impairments. Using her vast expertise and her open manner, she will also address medical updates and research.
Submit your questions or topics of interest to address to Mark Steciw,, no later than noon on Monday April 10, 2023. We are certain that this session with Dr. Moon will be beneficial to you, and more importantly, your students, clients, and patients.
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The Pennsylvania-Delaware Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) supports professionals who provide education & rehabilitation services to people with visual impairments.
Penn-Del AER | Facebook-Penn-Del AER | Twitter-Penn-Del AER | AER
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From: Penn-Del AER Conference Planning Committee via Lynn Fox <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 6:18 AM
Subject: Inviting Pre-Submitted Questions for “Ask the Doc” Session with Dr. Marla Moon
Pre-Submit Your Questions or Areas of Interest
"Ask the Doc" Session with Marla Moon
[2023 Conference Brochure Penn-Del AER Conference Our Professional Landscape: Cultivating Our Vision for the Future April 19 – 21, 2023 Best Western Premier Central Hotel Harrisburg, PA; logo - Colorful conference logo depicting a tree or stylized human figure symbolizing cultivating our vision. The green trunk has upstretched arms supporting two more layers of colorful figures representing leaves and branches looking like the tree canopy.]
Optometrist Dr. Marla Moon who has a powerful grasp on vision issues in our field will present the ever popular “Ask the Doc” session. Come join Dr. Marla Moon's Mid-Note General Session on Thursday April 20 at 10:00 am.
Dr. Moon will address pre-submitted questions regarding vision conditions and treatments with a focus on educating students and serving adults with visual impairments. Using her vast expertise and her open manner, she will also address medical updates and research.
Submit your questions or topics of interest to address to Mark Steciw,<>, no later than noon on Monday April 10, 2023. We are certain that this session with Dr. Moon will be beneficial to you, and more importantly, your students, clients, and patients.
Link to Conference Page<>
[Penn-Del AER]<>
[Facebook Penn-Del AER]<>
[Twitter Penn-Del AER]<>
The Pennsylvania-Delaware Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) supports professionals who provide education & rehabilitation services to people with visual impairments.
Penn-Del AER<> | Facebook-Penn-Del AER<> | Twitter-Penn-Del AER<> | AER<>
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