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If your university is teaching Nemeth Code within UEB Context in the spring please read

Rosenblum, L Penny - (rosenblu)
Sun, Nov 5, 2023 5:51 PM

Hello Colleagues,

In 2022, Tina Herzberg, Susan Osterhaus, Sara Larkin, and I made the book Learning and Teaching the Nemeth the Nemeth Code Within UEB Contexts: A Step-by-Step Guide available to university programs. This version differs in two ways from the free, available to anyone version on Paths to Literacy at

  1. In the university version we provide a set of PowerPoint decks.
  2. In the university version we provide an end of chapter assignment and answer key.

If your university is interested in using this resource and have not already been provided access, please have the instructor email me at I will give the instructor access to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder depending on what platform they use.


L. Penny Rosenblum, Ph.D.
Owner, Vision for Independence, LLC
Consultant for Project INSPIRE
Research Professor Emerita, University of Arizona

Hello Colleagues, In 2022, Tina Herzberg, Susan Osterhaus, Sara Larkin, and I made the book Learning and Teaching the Nemeth the Nemeth Code Within UEB Contexts: A Step-by-Step Guide available to university programs. This version differs in two ways from the free, available to anyone version on Paths to Literacy at 1. In the university version we provide a set of PowerPoint decks. 2. In the university version we provide an end of chapter assignment and answer key. If your university is interested in using this resource and have not already been provided access, please have the instructor email me at<>. I will give the instructor access to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder depending on what platform they use. Penny L. Penny Rosenblum, Ph.D. Owner, Vision for Independence, LLC Consultant for Project INSPIRE<> Research Professor Emerita, University of Arizona Email:<>