I received an listserv email this weekend (April 21 or 22, 2017) from the
AERNet O&M listserv. I do not recall the subject line but it was from a
"COMS in Pakistan" who sated he/she was also visually impaired. The
writer stated he/she was grateful to be included on the listserv and
inquired about a book or resource on the white cane. After I clicked on it
and replied to the writer that "with all due respect, why does a certified
O&M Specialist need to request where to find a resource about the white
I"m worried I clicked on something illegitimate and responded to a
"hacker:. i written to Dona Sauerberger, COMS, and she did not notice this
Can you confirm that this was a legitimate post? I have also notified
ACVREP of this post. They have no COMS in the ACVREP Directory of
Thank you for assistance.
Coby Livingstone, OT/L, CVRT