From: Penn-Del AER Conference Planning Committee via Lynn Fox <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 8:23 AM
Subject: Call for Presentations for the 2024 Penn-Del AER Conference
[Image removed by sender.]
2024 Penn-Del AER Conference
Call for Presentations:
Concurrent Sessions and Posters
[Image removed by sender. This Can Stock Photo is a cartoon flat design and vector illustration which is a complex representation of our theme, Shared Stories: Magnifying Our Impact. People are standing and looking at text on the screen of an oversized laptop computer. One man is holding an oversized magnifier which focuses on the story. On top of the computer are five individuals holding stars to champion the shared story. The background is filled with numerous other people including signing a document, speaking with a megaphone while on a podium, holding awards, reading a book, and dreaming of what life can be. White leaves, stars, arrows are in the background.]
2024 Penn-Del AER Conference:
Shared Stories: Magnifying Our Impact
April 24 - 26, 2024
Best Western Premier Central Hotel
Harrisburg, PA
The Penn-Del AER Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit a proposal for
a concurrent session presentation and/or poster presentation. We would love to hear how our education and rehabilitation professionals have been sharing stories which magnifies our impact. Please consider sharing your expertise, effective practices, innovative programs, employment strategies, and research results with your colleagues.
Penn-Del AER 2024 Annual Conference Page
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The Pennsylvania-Delaware Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) supports professionals who provide education & rehabilitation services to people with visual impairments.
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Hello listers:
I trust your semester is going well!
I understand there is an all-digital instructional resource that replaces
the need for students to purchase the APA Publication Manual. It's published
by the American Psychological Association and is called Academic Writer (
The resource is a cloud-based suite of instructional resources, which
includes "quick guides, tutorials, sample papers, and other tools help
students to learn APA Style, organize their research, then write with
clarity to convey their thoughts."
I'd be interested in hearing from you if you have used the resource with
online and campus-based students with disabilities, and what you think of
its accessibility generally.
Please email me directly at: