Do you have a minute to take a survey about how your k-12 students with
visual impairments access materials in the general education setting?
Please help us learn more about how students with visual impairments are
accessing classroom materials. The survey should take just a few moments
and no identifiable information will be kept, and we anticipate only
minimal risks.
Link to survey https://uic.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_daOy5uDYUL4VeRf
or paste this web address:
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the primary
investigator, bmoles2@uic.edu
Thank you,
Bryan Moles
Doctoral Student
University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Special Education
p | 312.404.8401
e | bmoles2@uic.edu bmoles2@uic.edu